Moysoglou Eirini

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PhD Candidates

Eirini Moysoglou holds a degree in Occupational Therapy, from the School of Health & Caring Professions of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens. She completed her MSc in Neurological Occupational Therapy at the School of Health & Life Sciences, of Occupational Therapy Department, in Coventry University, England. She has completed postgraduate trainings in various therapeutic interventions and techniques relating to pediatric rehabilitation.

She has many years of clinical experience in pediatric rehabilitation centers, mainly with children with neurodevelopmental and neurological disorders. He has been an active member of the multidisciplinary team of the Cerebral Palsy and Spasticity Clinic, Attikon University Hospital, for more than 11 years.

She has teaching experience in undergraduate and postgraduate occupational therapy courses, both in Greece and abroad. She participates as a trainer in training seminars and trainings of intervention methods and techniques and has been invited as a speaker in scientific conferences of various disciplines, Greek and international, for the presentation of specific topics and her research work.

Her research interests focus mainly on children with neurological disorders, as well as sensory-motor disorders of developmental etiology.

She is a member of the Panhellenic Association of Occupational Therapists.