Armakola Filomeni

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PhD Candidates

Ms. Armakola Philomeni is a graduate of the Medical School of the University of Milan and obtained her specialization in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at KAT Hospital. She holds an MSc from the Medical School of Athens with a focus on “Metabolic Bone Diseases,” specializing in Medical Acupuncture. She served as a scientific director at a rehabilitation center abroad (SBAHC Hospital KSA Riyadh), in units for Spinal Cord Injury and Cerebrovascular Accidents. Ms. Armakola has previously served as a Scientific Director in Greek Rehabilitation Centers. Since 2019, she has been working in the Early Intervention and Rehabilitation Department of the Athens Children’s General Hospital “Pan. & Aglaia Kyriakou.” She has worked extensively on the rehabilitation of children with disabilities and has authored two significant awareness-raising fairy tales: “Suzie’s Farm” and “Lula at Zoofrontida,” as well as a book on sexual and reproductive education for adolescents with mobility disabilities: “The Journey of Exploration.” Ms. Armakola has participated in numerous international and Greek scientific conferences, and she is proficient in English, French, and Italian. Her doctoral thesis will address the important topic of the application of Occupational Therapy programs in children with neurological disorders.