Practical Training for TEI students (non Erasmus or National Strategic Reference Framework in Greece)

The Internship at the Department of Occupational Therapy is available only to students from the TEI curriculum and constitutes an internship outside the NSRF/ERASMUS framework.

Regarding the implementation conditions for the internship outside the NSRF/ERASMUS for the TEI curriculum, the Internship Guide of the University of West Attica is followed.FEK 2024 Tefxos B 02948 Downloaded 26 05 2024 (1)

The support and supervision of the implementation of the internship outside the NSRF/ERASMUS for the TEI curriculum at the Department of Occupational Therapy is overseen by the three-member Internship Committee, consisting of the following faculty members:

– Ioanna Tzonichaki, Professor
– Ioanna Giannoula Katsouri, Assistant Professor
– Maria Kouloumpi, Lecturer of Applications

Useful documents and links related to the internship outside the NSRF/ERASMUS for the TEI curriculum:

– University of West Attica Internship Guide outside the NSRF/ERASMUS (Government Gazette 2948/Issue B’/24-05-2024)FEK 2024 Tefxos B 02948 Downloaded 26 05 2024 (1)
– Internship Start ApplicationΑίτηση Έναρξης Πρακτικής Άσκησης
– Student Registration Form
– Acceptance Certificate from the Internship ProviderΒεβαίωση Αποδοχής από ΦΥΠΑ
– Special Internship Agreement with a Private Entity (TEI curriculum)ΕΙΔΙΚΗ ΣΥΜΒΑΣΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΠΡΑΚΤΙΚΗ ΑΣΚΗΣΗ ΤΕΙ ΙΔΙΩΤΙΚΟΣ ΤΟΜΕΑΣ
– Special Internship Agreement with a Public Entity (TEI curriculum)ΕΙΔΙΚΗ ΣΥΜΒΑΣΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΠΡΑΚΤΙΚΗ ΑΣΚΗΣΗ ΤΕΙ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΟΣ ΤΟΜΕΑΣ
– Internship Completion Certificate (from Internship Provider)ΒΕΒΑΙΩΣΗ ΟΛΟΚΛΗΡΩΣΗΣ ΠΡΑΚΤΙΚΗΣ ΑΠΟ ΦΥΠΑ
– Certificate of Successful Completion of InternshipΑΠΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΟ ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΦΟΙΤΗΤΩΝ
– Internship Evaluation Questionnaire by the StudentΕρωτηματολόγιο Αξιολόγησης Πρακτικής Άσκησης από τον Φοιτητή

Members of the Internship Committee:
– Ioanna Tzonichaki
– Ioanna Giannoula Katsouri
– Maria Kouloumpi