
Vision of the Department of Occupational Therapy

The vision of the Department of Occupational Therapy is to become a leader in education, research and innovation in the field of Occupational Therapy, offering high quality education and supporting the development of skilled and aware professionals.

The Department aims to improve people’s quality of life through the promotion of scientific knowledge, interdisciplinary cooperation and social awareness, both nationally and internationally.


Mission of the Department of Occupational Therapy 

The mission of the Department of Occupational Therapy is the promotion, development and transmission of knowledge in the science of Occupational Therapy, with appropriate theoretical teaching, wider laboratory and clinical practice and applied research, in order to provide students with the necessary supplies, which ensure their proper education for their scientific and professional careers, as well as their development as Occupational Therapists.

The goal of the Undergraduate Studies Program of the Department of Occupational Therapy is to always offer an innovative and based on the latest scientific developments educational program, in which students are effectively trained to cope effectively in the fields of Occupational Therapy.

We aim to foster excellence, education and research in a collaborative environment that facilitates innovation and is based on the principles and practices of equity, diversity and inclusion.