The institution of the Academic Advisor is detailed in Article 62 “Academic Advisors” of the Internal Regulations of the University of West Attica. The Academic Advisor, through their educational, research, and professional experience, provides support and guidance to students on issues related to the progress and successful completion of their studies as well as career matters. The Academic Advisor helps students complete their studies efficiently and effectively, in accordance with the Study Guide and aligned with the students’ needs, capabilities, and future plans. If a student feels they are not receiving adequate support from their Advisor, they may contact the Department Chair. The feasibility of the request is considered on a case-by-case basis. If an Advisor is absent for a prolonged period (e.g., due to educational leave, suspension of duties, health issues, etc.), the Department Assembly assigns the role to a new member. For the overall smooth operation of the Department, the Academic Advisor meets with students during specified hours, announced at the beginning of each semester on the Department’s website. Students are encouraged to regularly communicate with the Advisor either in person during office hours or by appointment, or online.

Duties of the Academic Advisor

The duties of the Academic Advisor are categorized into three areas: 1) the role of the Advisor, 2) confidentiality of communication with students, and 3) collaboration with services and other members of the educational and administrative staff of the Department and the university.

1. The Role of the Academic Advisor

The role of the Academic Advisor involves informing, supporting, and advising students on the following, without the advisor’s suggestions being mandatory. They support and advise first-year students to ease their transition from secondary to higher education. They inform students about the services offered by the University of West Attica (Student Welfare, Access, Student Ombudsman, etc.). They provide advice on time management and information access issues. They support students with adjustment problems during their studies. They offer advice on academic efforts throughout the students’ studies. In collaboration with the respective Sectors of Responsibility of the Department of Early Childhood Education and Care, they provide specialized advice to students on the Undergraduate Program and guide them according to their interests, abilities, and skills, thus minimizing the chances of exam failure or not completing their studies. They identify students with special educational needs and advise on appropriate procedures and support services. They direct students to relevant services for their concerns when necessary. They provide career advice and employment opportunities in collaboration with the University of West Attica’s relevant services. They offer specialized advice to students on Postgraduate Programs (within the Department, in Greece, and abroad). Generally, students can discuss any academic issues with the Advisor, such as difficulties with courses, labs, study regulation issues, course selection, or even personal difficulties (family issues, personal matters, health problems, etc.) that hinder their studies.

2. Confidentiality of Communication

The content of discussions between the Advisor and the student is confidential, and the student’s personal data is protected by the Advisor.

3. Collaboration

The Advisor is supported in their role and collaborates closely with the faculty and other educational staff of the Department of Occupational Therapy, administrative staff, the Department Chair, and relevant services of the University of West Attica. The Advisor makes observations, submits suggestions, and sends requests for any deficiencies and dysfunctions that create problems for students and suggests ways to address them to the faculty and other educational staff, administrative staff, the Department Chair, and relevant services of the University. The Advisor is obliged, at the end of their term or in case of an emergency, to inform the Department Assembly about their work. To facilitate their role, they may keep records with statistics or other data on the students they supported during their term, taking all measures to securely maintain these records (confidentiality, anonymity, etc.) and ensuring no access by third parties.